Understanding the Strategy Behind Custom Swag Ideas

Custom swag is a tried and true strategy to generate customer loyalty, new clients and even purchases. Everyone loves free stuff, especially when the stuff in question is useful, attractive, and fun to wear. And when people use or wear your custom swag, you have a walking billboard doing the advertising for you. 

Because of its potential, it’s important you understand what it takes to generate custom swag ideas into effective marketing devices. Which is why we’ve listed some factors below for you to get familiar with in regards to creating swag.

Understanding Your Audience

For a piece of swag to strike a chord with your audience, you need to know them through and through. The more you understand who your audience is, the better idea you will have about what they want, what they need, and what they would wear or use. 

Create several personas that define your audience and design all of your swag around these fictional characters. Maybe your audience is full of high tech members who love the latest and greatest gadgets. Your audience could be full of sustainability superheroes who care a lot about the environment and appreciate eco-friendly swag. By looking into what your target audience likes and dislikes and gathering information from current clients, you can create a complete picture. Remember, the more you understand your audience, the better the swag will work!

Law of Reciprocity

Have you ever heard of the law of reciprocity? It describes a human trait that all companies should be aware of. 

When someone does something kind for someone else, the person to whom this kindness has been done feels compelled to respond by reciprocating and usually having a more significant gesture. In other words, if you do something nice for someone, they will do something even nicer for you. 

How this translates for businesses is quite simple: 

The company gives the client or even potential customer a gift and a significant percentage of those people will feel as though they should do something nice for the company in turn. The customer may make a purchase or refer the company to someone else. 

Basically, giving someone a nice t-shirt with your logo as well as a bag won’t only give you publicity but you will also generate goodwill towards the company and possibly make a sale. Kindness breeds kindness and honestly who doesn’t love giving a good gift that others love receiving?! The perks of giving out swag as a promotional product are truly endless. 

Swag is Inexpensive and Offers Great Results

Most custom swag ideas are relatively inexpensive to make. Take a drawstring bag from Liquid Screen Design as an example; some cost roughly 3 dollars to make and these bags generally get about 6k impressions during their lifetime. That means it will cost you roughly $0.0005 for each person to see that bag. Compared to the potential benefit of having 6k people exposed to your brand and messaging, 3 dollars is close to nothing!

Marketing strategies with this kind of return on investment will be pretty challenging to find. That's why we’re here to offer you a fun, creative, and cost effective marketing option that leaves a positive lasting impression on customers.

Swag Your Way Into Your Client’s Thoughts With Liquid Screen Design

If you are curious to know what custom swag ideas can do for your business, do not hesitate to give us a call at 612-234-7230, fill out our online form, or email us at info@liquidscreendesign.com. With our services, you can trust that your company will soar to new heights thanks to your new swag marketing strategy.


Kylie Passe is a Social Media Intern at Liquid Screen Design a Branding and Swagging company.  Helping nonprofits and businesses with their physical marketing needs and strategies.