This t-shirt defeated my terrible nephew’s reign of terror!

Let me tell you, my sister’s son Fritz is visiting for two weeks (he was suspended from school for yelling out “This is Sparta!” and kicking the gym teacher in the “wink-wink” if you hear what I’m saying).  We’re calling it a vacation, but it is no vacation for me.  But finally, something amazing happened to me.    

Last Wednesday I received a package in the mail don’t you know. “What could it be?” I wondered aloud to myself, and my 16-year-old-nephew, who was watching his programs on the YouTube told me to keep it down.  Oh boy, was I embarrassed by my outburst!  Out of my fear of my sister’s troubled son Fritz, I opened the package as quietly as I could, every muscle tense with the fear of this being another one of his “surprises,” and let me tell you — I couldn’t believe what I was looking at! It was a Bella+Canvas Unisex 4.2 Oz. Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt in my very favorite color— soft cream! As I slipped on the shirt, I felt my confidence restoring.   The warm embrace of the jersey fabric around my torso made me feel something my departed husband Marty had never — a softness, a heightened sense of elite athleticism, and a tingle through my entire body — there was even a hole for every one of my limbs!

For two weeks now I’d lived as a prisoner in my own home, providing a roof over Fritz’s head after my sister dropped him off looking for me to “correct Fritz’s behavior”.  Oh boy, that is a big job for sure don’t you know. But with that buttery cotton against my skin, I knew that I’d be sleeping like a baby that night and ready for action tomorrow, and I was right!

With my newfound confidence, I marched into Fritz’s room the next morning and informed him his behavior would be changing immediately for the better or he could kiss his Sega games goodbye — and would you believe it? As I sit here typing this review, Fritz is playing a beautiful, delicate sonata on the piano and turned his skateboard in to law enforcement to keep it off the streets. I’ve just ordered a shirt in every one of the 52 available colors. From this day forward, I am no longer afraid of Fritz, and you shouldn’t be either! Buy this shirt!

I give this shirt 4.9 lutefisk out of 5!

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Janice Lundberg-Bloomquist is a consumer product reviewer and social media influencer for the Askov Weekly Standard.  She has been reviewing products sine 1992 after a stapler jammed while she was teaching 4th grade and wrote a strongly-worded letter to the manufacturer (which she did not send – heaven forbid) and a new career was born.  An amateur ukuleleist and enthusiastic coffee addict, Janice lives at home in Mora, Minnesota with her three “children”, a British-shorthair named Smokey, and her two prize-winning Tabbys, Jennifur and Mitchell.  Janice was the 2012 Bea Stevenson’s Award Winner for Excellence in Consumer Reviews and Reports and has been featured on the television show Extreme Couponing: Midwest Madness.