The future of swag is here! The metaverse is like having a website in the early ’90s or social media in the 2000s, it is the future and those who capitalize at the vanguard of this new technology will find themselves reaping the rewards. Liquid Screen Design is the leader in swagging in the metaverse. The metaverse is here and needs to be a part of your marketing strategy. Digital branding and swagging are the future and forward-thinking businesses and organizations have already started to bring their swag game to the metaverse. Liquid Screen Design is at the forefront of this future and can share our expertise with you to get the best results.
The goal of swagging in the metaverse is to create an impactful experience for your brand by providing you with items that are “on-brand” for your business, organization, or team and that evoke an emotional connection. Just like in the real world, you can’t leave your swag needs to any promotional products company, you need a swag partner that has experience working to create a synergy between your real world goals and your metaverse swag.
Our team has the experience to protect your brand and engage your customers or participants with the right swag.
Interactive Virtual Space
Let us create an interactive virtual space that simulates real-life, in-person interactions. By “walking around” (using your keyboard) an 8-bit pixelized video game aesthetic and familiar online video and chat features feel much more natural, productive, and interactive than Zoom-style meetings and calls.
We have been using a virtual office since December of 2021 and it has been a complete game changer for us!
Virtual space uses:
Remote or Hybrid Office
Online or Hybrid Conference
Virtual Event
Breakout Rooms
Virtual Escape Room
Online Game Night
Endless other possibilities
A couple of questions to think about:
How can you build community with a remote team?
If there were no physical constraints for an event how many more people could we reach?
Let us walk you through these questions and many more to create a space that is unique to your needs.
NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) The Swag of the Future
What is an NFT and how can it be the newest must-have swag item?
NFT stands for non-fungible token. Non-fungible means that it cannot be replaced or exchanged for something of identical value (an example of something fungible is a coin. A quarter can be exchanged for another quarter because they are the exact same). An NFT is something completely unique and irreplaceable, like artwork.
And, we know what you're thinking...can't you just copy a piece of "digital art"?
But, if you bought an NFT, you've essentially bought a certificate of authenticity. Everybody can look and see that you own the original. Everything else is just a copy.
To put it in terms of physical art collecting: anyone can buy a Van Gogh print. But only one person can own the original.
Some ways to swag NFT’s?
A giveaway to someone attending a specific event. Imagine what an original LiveAid or Woodstock NFT would be worth today!
Unique and limited logos and designs.
A Members only item that proves exclusivity.
A tradeable swag item
And many more…
Our team will help you create, “mine”, and disseminate your NFT’s to your participants. Our graphic design team can create anything you imagine and as always complimentary as part of the service we provide.
Signature Blocks and Avatars
A signature block is the perfect opportunity to brand every message you send. It establishes and reinforces who you are as a company.
Having an email signature is like handing a person a business card every time you send an email. You want it to look professional and show your company’s personality. You wouldn’t just hand a prospective client a scrap of blank paper with your contact information scrawled on it, would you? No way! Email signatures can be an extremely valuable tool and very simple to implement.
Let Liquid Screen Design help you create the right signature block for your team. With our art department, you can even create avatars or cartoon images of your team to add to their signature block to create a personal connection with the recipient of their email.
Augmented Reality
How many events have you gone to where you stood in front of a step and repeat and take a picture? Our guess is a lot. What if your guests could take that picture anywhere and have a virtual banner show up behind them?
Augmented reality gives you the ability to create virtual items that are seen through a cellphone or tablet camera. You can do anything like banners, custom hats, shirts, animals, or anything you can imagine. Let us help integrate augmented reality into your events and marketing plan!